Chapter nine

Tutorial sheets

Chapter three: Introduction to Feedback

These tutorials are on the theme of linear feedback control, for example with G(s) representing a system, M(s) a compensator and d an input disturbance signal:

Core skills are things such as:

  1. Why would I create such a feedback loop?

  2. How do such closed-loop system behave?

  3. Are there generic analysis tools for assessing the behaviour?

  4. Are there generic design tools for ensuring the behaviour meets specifications?

The tutorials are a combination of PDF files, with brief worked solutions and video talk through tutorials showing detailed problem solving procedures.

Feedback concepts and introduction

Defining closed-loop transfer functions and links between compensator parameters and closed-loop behaviour.

Feedback concepts and introduction

Video tutorials with worked solutions to reinforce concepts from tutorials above.

Closed-gain and offset

Several of the gain questions overlaps with the similar section in modelling.

Closed-gain and offset

Video tutorials with worked solutions to reinforce concepts from tutorials above.

Block diagrams

Students should handle small variations on how blocks/signals are connected in a feedback loop.

Heuristic PI design

Videos giving some worked examples in a tutorial fashion of PI analysis and design.

Longer questions

More representative of exam style questions with multi-step requirements and re-emphasising the potential of MATLAB for checking work and incorporating PI design.